Online Marketing Strategy

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

You have a Website.....But no visitors

So you have a website or affiliate link, but no one visits, resulting in no sales. Alot of people think "if you build it, they will come!" I am afraid not, in my endevours to get traffic to my website, I have tried them all.

1. Companies offering 10,000 to 100,000 hits to your website - beware alot of these companies employ rogue software to bump off your traffic credits, no one see`s your website.

2. Bulk Email Lists - "Purchase 238 million email addresses for $49.00" Don`t do it, these email contacts have been gathered using sniffer software without the consent of the individual. If you send emails to those listed you could be done for spamming & your ISP could ban you from there service.

3. Posting to FFA websites - Simply, this was once effective, but I am afraid no longer. No one ever visits these pages anymore and most of the posts are automated by software.

4. Safelists - I tried these for a while, but soon realised they are ineffective as everyone in the safelist is trying to sell or promote something, so theres no real buyers.

The best ways I have found for generating traffic to my websites are all mostly "FREE". You really want to create a viral effect when generating traffic, that is you perform 1 or 2 actions and your traffic begins to generate itself - Virally

Try this - its a great traffic / marketing generator. You can generate your own advertising credits, by simply surfing the net as usual. Includes over 100 essential marketing tools.

Also, have a look here -

If you want the state of the art lead generation system - try this , you can sign up for a free silver membership. I have been using this system now for over 4 months and have generated about 15,000 leads (real people) who I can send out my marketing emails too, once a week.

Well thats all for now, hope you find these internet marketing resources useful

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Internet marketing and online sales strategy

I have been online for sometime now, I operate a real life business and have found the internet the best way to carry out marketing that returns results. It has taken me sometime to understand exactly how to form the right internet marketing strategy for my company. Many hours spent investigating an e business strategy led me to a guy, who I can only say he knows his marketing when it comes to the internet. In my blog I will share information and resources I have investigated and used that actually work, to help those out there who have decided to make a change in there lives and go all out to succeed.

Mark Joyner is a top guy in his field and I would like to recommend reading the following publication by him, released this year. "Confidential Internet Intelligence Manuscript Voloume 2" , you can find it hear -

It is a remarkable read and by implementing his internet marketing strategies, you can but only succeed. I hope you find it as enlightening as I have.