Online Marketing Strategy

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

You have a Website.....But no visitors

So you have a website or affiliate link, but no one visits, resulting in no sales. Alot of people think "if you build it, they will come!" I am afraid not, in my endevours to get traffic to my website, I have tried them all.

1. Companies offering 10,000 to 100,000 hits to your website - beware alot of these companies employ rogue software to bump off your traffic credits, no one see`s your website.

2. Bulk Email Lists - "Purchase 238 million email addresses for $49.00" Don`t do it, these email contacts have been gathered using sniffer software without the consent of the individual. If you send emails to those listed you could be done for spamming & your ISP could ban you from there service.

3. Posting to FFA websites - Simply, this was once effective, but I am afraid no longer. No one ever visits these pages anymore and most of the posts are automated by software.

4. Safelists - I tried these for a while, but soon realised they are ineffective as everyone in the safelist is trying to sell or promote something, so theres no real buyers.

The best ways I have found for generating traffic to my websites are all mostly "FREE". You really want to create a viral effect when generating traffic, that is you perform 1 or 2 actions and your traffic begins to generate itself - Virally

Try this - its a great traffic / marketing generator. You can generate your own advertising credits, by simply surfing the net as usual. Includes over 100 essential marketing tools.

Also, have a look here -

If you want the state of the art lead generation system - try this , you can sign up for a free silver membership. I have been using this system now for over 4 months and have generated about 15,000 leads (real people) who I can send out my marketing emails too, once a week.

Well thats all for now, hope you find these internet marketing resources useful